The influence of leadership style on teachers' job motivation and satisfaction in the Druze sector of Israel
leadership styles, motivation, Junior High School, the Druze sectorAbstract
The present study examines the dominant leadership style of Junior-High school principals in the Druze sector in northern Israel and its influence on teachers' job motivation and satisfaction. A quantitative research based on questionnaires for the teachers was conducted in nine schools. For this purpose, the shortened form of “The Multi-Factor Leadership Questionnaire", the "Teacher Motivation Questionnaire", and five questions which check teachers’ job satisfaction were chosen. 224 teachers filled in the questionnaires. Research findings show that the teachers who filled the questionnaires are motivated and satisfied, the transformational leadership style is the most dominant leadership style in the schools; there is a significant positive correlation between transformational leadership style and teacher's job motivation and job satisfaction. Teachers who are part of the management staff are significantly more satisfied with their jobs than teachers who are not. There is a significant difference between the age groups and females on laisser-faire leadership style. Teachers who have been teaching more than 51 years, and are males perceive their principals more laisser-faire than teachers who have been teaching between 31-40 years and are females. The results of this research can be beneficial for the schools. They provide a clear picture to the principals and the teachers. It may strengthen and urge them to set higher goals and visions.
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