
  • Alexandra Irina Padurean Bucharest University of Economic Studies
  • Măiță Nicolae Daniel Bucharest University of Economic Studies
  • Crețu Claudiu Bucharest University of Economic Studies


smart city, artificial intelligence, public administration, digitalization, covid-19


The individual, humanity, and communities have evolved and will continue to evolve. We cannot look at the evolution of communities separately from the evolution of local public administrations, and their evolution must be correlated with the evolution of society as a whole. Both communities and public administrations are subjected, on the one hand, to global, general challenges, and on the other to specific local challenges. On what concerns the public administration, the smart city concept is increasingly present, and we have to be aware that there emerges an urban reinterpretation of the theory of evolution of Charles Darwin and of the principle of "survival of the fittest" of Herbert Spencer, towards what we can call "urban Darwinism" or "institutional Darwinism" in the form of the "survival of the most intelligent (local community or institution) " theory. The projects of the local authorities that are part of this sphere are being increasingly publicized, all of them are inextricably linked to the concept of digitization. But what does a smart city ultimately mean? What role does artificial intelligence and digitalization have in the process of becoming smarter? The present paper proposes an objective approach to the smart city concept and a critical analysis of the financing opportunities from the perspective of administrations that govern large, medium, and small cities.

Author Biographies

  • Alexandra Irina Padurean, Bucharest University of Economic Studies

    PhD student, Doctoral School of Management


  • Măiță Nicolae Daniel, Bucharest University of Economic Studies

    PhD student, Doctoral School of Management

  • Crețu Claudiu, Bucharest University of Economic Studies

    PhD student, Doctoral School of Management


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How to Cite

ON SMART CITY, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE EVOLUTION OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION DIGITALIZATION IN THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. (2022). Timisoara Journal of Economics and Business, 14(1). https://www.tjeb.ro/index.php/tjeb/article/view/345